The Return of the Time Lord:
Exploring the Brilliance of
Doctor Who’s ‘Rose’

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the very first episode of the modern revival – “Rose”. Join us as we revisit this groundbreaking episode and explore its significance in the world of Doctor Who. We start by discussing the episode’s plot and characters, including the introduction of the Ninth Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston, and his companion, Rose Tyler, played by Billie Piper.

We analyse the dynamic and the chemistry between the two actors, and how their relationship sets the tone for the rest of the series. Next, we examine the episode’s themes, including the concept of change and the Doctor’s role as a protector of Earth. We also discuss the episode’s use of humour, action, and drama, and how it balances these elements to create a thrilling and engaging viewing experience. But that’s not all – we also explore the impact that “Rose” had on the wider Doctor Who franchise.

From the revival of the show’s popularity to the introduction of new fans to the franchise, “Rose” set the stage for the modern era of Doctor Who. So join us for a trip down memory lane as we celebrate one of the most important episodes in the history of Doctor Who. Whether you’re a fan of the classic series or a newcomer to the franchise, this episode is a must-listen!

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Check out Chris’s Second Doctor audios.

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Review – Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

The Dimension Cannon gives the character Rose Tyler her own series, in four audio dramas by Big Finish Productions. Billie Piper reprises her role as the first of The Doctor’s travelling companions in 21st century Doctor Who.

Shop girl turned sci-fi action hero Rose Tyler is consigned to a parallel universe with her mum, Jackie (Camille Coduri) and a parallel version of her dear departed dad, Pete (Shaun Dingwall). They’ve turned their attention to helping protect not only their world from extraordinary threats but also many other Earths. They’re following in the footsteps of Rose’s beloved Doctor: the charismatic, time-travelling space alien whose defence of Rose’s Earth left her separated from it – and him.

The Dimension Cannon offers Rose a chance to bring The Doctor back into the fight – and into her life again. For short periods of time the cannon allows her to visit other parallel universes that offer clues to the whereabouts of The Doctor. On her first trip she’s reunited with a parallel version of Clive, a conspiracy theorist who was murdered in Rose’s universe. Bark Benton reprises the role of Clive throughout the set and it’s good fun to have him back.

The four stories take us to four new parallel versions of London, where we’re introduced to startling alternate versions of the well-loved characters that head up this series. This collection of audios is not so much a spin-off from Doctor Who as it’s a spiritual follow-on from ‘Father’s Day,’ the episode that introduced us to the ‘original’ Pete Tyler and led us through dark times leading up to his death.

Chasing The Doctor inevitably means getting to know the locals in each different London and Rose finds she already knows many of them all too well. She gets personally involved in the lives of the people she meets, encountering Jackie, Pete and others in slightly different forms. It makes arriving in each universe a treat for the listener – and leaving each of them is tough all round.

Big Finish tie-in plays lure us into the audio realm by offering us characters and situations that are proven successes on television. They honour these successes with intriguing stories that at least equal their predecessors in quality. Rose’s story in Doctor Who has a lot of heart – and heartbreak. These new tales are equally engaging character pieces.

By presenting so many alternate versions of the original roles played by the cast, the normally-invisible work of the actors gets a bit of a peek into the limelight. I was properly immersed in and moved by the drama here but I also enjoyed listening for the subtle differences between the characters parallel to each other.

I’m very much opposed to more for more’s sake; I hate seeing delightful series run down by commercial supplements. You’ll find none of that here in Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon. This box set revisits the Tylers in a clever way that gives us more of what we’re counting on in ways that constantly surprise.

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon is available now from Big Finish.

Billie Piper gets Big Finish spin-off

Billie Piper is returning to the Doctor Who universe in Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon, a new audio series made in association with BBC Studios.

It follows Rose’s journey through dying parallel worlds, and also stars Camille Coduri as Rose’s mum Jackie, Shaun Dingwall as her dad Pete, Mark Benton (Legend!!) as alien investigator Clive Finch and Elli Garnett as Caroline Finch.

The four episodes follow Rose’s mission to seek out the Doctor, the only person who can save the doomed multiverse.

Picture credit-Big Finish

Billie Piper said:

“I love how normal Rose is, and yet really extraordinary. She lived a normal average life but she is incredibly curious and has an enormous capacity for love and empathy and is really spirited. She is extraordinary.”

The four new adventures are:
1.1 The Endless Night by Jonathan Morris
1.2 The Flood by Lisa McMullin
1.3 Ghost Machines by AK Benedict
1.4 The Last Party on Earth by Matt Fitton

From the worlds of Doctor Who, Rose Tyler – The Dimension Cannon will be released in September 2019, available for pre-order now on CD at £25 on CD and £20 on download.

Episode 16: Martyn’s Fish Custard

In episode 16 Martyn and Imran talk about the groundbreaking Doctor Who episode ‘Turn Left’.

Then Martyn copies Matt Smith and eats some fish fingers and custard. He then spends the next three days being violently ill. Enjoy the picture below.

Turn Left” is the eleventh episode of the fourth series of British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It was written by showrunner Russell T Davies and broadcast on BBC One on 21 June 2008.

David Tennant only makes a small contribution to this “Doctor-lite” episode as the Tenth Doctor. The story instead focuses on the Doctor’s companion, Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and her encounters with former companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper). The episode’s narrative focuses on an alternative history where the Doctor dies during the events of the 2006 Christmas special “The Runaway Bride”. The episode depicts a dystopia caused by the Doctor’s death, leaving Rose to convince Donna to save the world. The beginning and end of the episode take place in the show’s normal continuity, and the end features a cliffhanger that leads directly into the series finale “The Stolen Earth”.

Davies’ writing and Tate’s performance were acclaimed, and the episode was praised for its depiction of dystopia in a scene characterised by the internment of a foreign citizen. The episode was the fourth-most-watched programme in the week it was broadcast, with 8.1 million viewers, and the Appreciation Index of the episode was 88, considered excellent. The episode was one of two Doctor Who stories in the fourth series to be nominated for a Hugo Award in the Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form category.

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Martyn – @BadWilf

Gerrod –@InGerrodsMind

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