In the cinematic wasteland of January, “The Beekeeper,” under the direction of David Ayer and starring Jason Statham, emerges as a beacon of light. Despite being an unapologetic off-brand John Wick, Ayer’s direction breathes life into a thin script, offering a refreshing escape from the usual awards-bait.
Statham fully embodies the character of Adam Clay, a beekeeper and retired assassin, on a mission to foil online scammers preying on the vulnerable.
The narrative revels in its unsubtle, unexplained quirks, injecting a layer of amusement for the audience. As Adam sets out on his vendetta, the film skillfully traces the money trail, revealing a satirical crypto bro, Derek Danforth (Josh Hutcherson).
Ayer successfully saturates the film with colour, crafting an entertaining atmosphere, but the central character retains an air of mystery. The lore may be shallow, but there’s potential for sequels. This whimsically, absurd and over the top action flick is the ideal choice for a popcorn-filled movie night.