Ben Affleck is Batman returning

According to Vanity Fair, Ben Affleck is set to don the Batman cowl again. It’s thought to be a cameo role and it will be alongside Michael Keaton, who is also reprising his role as Batman from the 1989 Tim Burton film. Both will appear in The Flash, starring Ezra Miller.

The Flash director Andy Muscietti said:

“He’s a very substantial part of the emotional impact of the movie. The interaction and relationship between Barry and Affleck’s Wayne will bring an emotional level that we haven’t seen before. It’s Barry’s movie, it’s Barry’s story, but their characters are more related than we think. They both lost their mothers to murder, and that’s one of the emotional vessels of the movie. That’s where the Affleck Batman kicks in.”

I honestly didn’t see this coming, I thought Affleck was done with the character. It’s nice to see he’s willing to come back to give the character a proper send-off.

The Flash is scheduled for release on June 3, 2022.

Listen to our review of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.

Ben Affleck confronts fans who say Superman is better

Last week, we saw Henry Cavill asked kids if they prefer Batman or Superman, this week Ben Affleck hid inside the batmobile during a tour of the warner bros studio and confronted fans who say Superman is better than Batman.

The video made me laugh and, it’s all to raise awareness for a good cause. Find out more information here.

Batfleck revealed

Zack Snyder had released the first image of Ben Affleck as Batman. You can’t really see much, but so far, I like what I see. It’s very reminiscent of the costume from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.
Is that the Joker’s face I spot, just behind Batman?


Thanks to Tom from the Facebook page for pointing the image out.

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