In Daleks! Genesis of Terror, an audio adaptation that delves into the realm of the classic Doctor Who story, Genesis of the Daleks, the potential for exploring new dimensions within this beloved narrative is unfortunately left untapped. This release disappointingly fails to meet the expectations of delivering a cohesive and engaging experience.
The fragmented nature of Daleks! Genesis of Terror is hard to ignore. Instead of providing a complete retelling of Genesis of the Daleks, this audio adaptation solely focuses on Part One of the original draft. Parts Two, Four, and Six are quickly skimmed through by Nicholas Briggs, while Part Three and Part Five are presented as Companion Chronicle versions, narrated by Harry Sullivan and Sarah Jane respectively. This fragmented approach hinders storytelling, resulting in an unsatisfying and disjointed narrative experience for listeners.
Genesis of the Daleks: Part One suffers from poor writing and lacks significant deviations from its televised counterpart. Terry Molloy’s involvement, although expected to elevate the material, unfortunately, falls flat, lacking the fresh perspective necessary to rejuvenate the story. Additionally, Nicholas Briggs’s rushed readings of the other parts do little to fully immerse the audience, leaving much to be desired in terms of narrative engagement.
To further complicate matters, the inclusion of an 80-minute interview with Philip Hinchcliffe seems puzzlingly out of place within the context of the audio adaptation. While such interviews can provide valuable insights and behind-the-scenes information, this extended feature disrupts the flow of the release and distracts from its primary focus. It ultimately fails to enhance the listener’s experience as intended.
Ultimately, Daleks! Genesis of Terror struggles to justify its existence as a worthwhile adaptation. The decision to tackle a universally acclaimed story like Genesis of the Daleks appears misguided, as it lacks the necessity for a remake.
With its fragmented structure, lacklustre execution, and questionable creative choices, Daleks! Genesis of Terror fails to deliver a satisfying audio adaptation. Despite its commendable attempt to revisit a beloved story, it ultimately falls short of capturing the essence and magic of the original. Fans of Doctor Who would be better served by revisiting classic episodes or exploring other stories in the “Lost” range that offer more immersive and engaging experiences.