Star Wars title app

Yesterday Disney/Lucasfilm announced the title for the highly anticipated Episode VII.
I, along with many other people were less than impressed with the title.
Now, thanks to the verge you can now create your own title, with this fun app. I decided to create the fans worst nightmare ‘Jar-Jar strikes back’.

‘Minister of Chance’ Kickstarter

Minister of ChanceThe podcast version of The Minister of Chance proved that quality audio drama on a grand scale can be brought into being by the sheer force of the masses of us who want it to happen. If you haven’t heard it and you’re here on Bad Wilf reading this, go check it out and tidy the flat with your earbuds in and your heart soaring.

Fan favourites Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, Paul Darrow and Tamsin Greig join class acts Julian Wadham, Jenny Agutter and Lauren Crace in a fascinating mix of cavalry and rocketry with a slightly darker tone than Doctor Who but with plenty of charm to match.

A short film – the saga’s introduction – was shot amid the gorgeous countryside and architecture of Britain and also made available for free, with donors getting a peek just a bit earlier.

Two nations brandish an odd mix of weaponry at each other in this world but the clearly more primitive nation in the struggle may not be as helpless as it seems. It’s in this pastoral nation of Tanto that The Minister of Chance parts the curtains of reality, revealing a shimmering ‘frost bridge’ into the unknown.

TODAY begins the Kickstarter to fund the first full episode. Why not tap a few credits into the hovering paypoint and take a seat by this bonfire? The tale told here will be thanks in part to you.

Frank Miller talks about the Dark Knight trilogy

Legendary comic book writer Frank Miller has been doing the press rounds for his new movie Sin City 2: A dame to kill for.
In an interview with Playboy he was asked what he thought about Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.

There’s a consensus that Daredevil and Elektra, two movies adapted from comics you wrote, were lousy. Do you agree with that opinion?

When people come out with movies about characters I’ve worked on, I always hate them. I have my own ideas about what the characters are like. I mean, I can’t watch a Batman movie. I’ve seen pieces of them, but I generally think, No, that’s not him. And I walk out of the theater before it’s over.

Does that include the Christopher Nolan Batman movies?

It includes all of them. I’m not condemning what he does. I don’t even understand it, except that he seems to think he owns the title Dark Knight. [laughs] He’s about 20 years too late for that. It’s been used.

Nolan’s last two Batman movies each grossed more than $1 billion worldwide. Does any of that money make its way to you?

No. If money’s owed me, I wouldn’t put it on him or any other author. To be sitting here whining and mewling and puking about that sort of thing…let other people do that.

A lot of Dark Knight readers think you love Batman and hate Superman. Any truth to that?

The Dark Knight series is all from Batman’s point of view. But if you look at Dark Knight 2, you’ll see a Superman who’s much calmer than the one in the first Dark Knight. Batman and Superman are dead opposites. I love Superman. Do I love Batman more? They’re not people. They’re only lines on paper.

Episode 110

In which Martyn and Gerrod pay tribute to Rik Mayall, Eric Hill and Ruby Dee.
They then look at the latest film and tv news.

Download us next Monday for a look at the movie ‘Chef’ along with a Q&A from Jon Faverau

The podcast can be accessed via different places, including Miro, Stiticher, Blubrry, Player fm and Itunes.


Twitter: Martyn-@BadWilf



The Show-@TheBWpodcast

Edgar Wright drops out of Ant-Man

Here is a bit of surprising news. Edgar Wright has dropped out of directing Ant-Man.
Wright has been working on the project since 2006.
For years he and Joe Cornish have worked on the script, adapting it to fit in with current Marvel continuity. Everybody involved in the Marvel universe has previously said how excited they were to see a Wright at the helm.

Marvel have apparently found a new director and the film is still scheduled for release on July 17th, 2015.

Gareth Edwards to launch Star Wars spin-off

Unless you’re a goat herder living in outer Mongolia, you probably know that Gareth Edwards will be helming the first solo spin-off Star Wars movie, due for release in December 2016.

Recently Hasbro held a you conference in Spain and a leaked memo has been doing the rounds. It cites the three spin-off movies.

The list read as follows:

Solo, 2016.

Boba Fett, 2018

Red 5, 2020.

I’m excited, for the next five years we’re going to have a Star Wars based film out every year. May the force be with us.

Episode 108: Everything is awesome (6min episode)

In which Martyn is joined by his 5-year old son and they briefly discuss The Lego Movie, Aiden also reveals his plans to be a writer.

The podcast can be accessed via different places, including Miro, Stiticher, Blubrry, Player fm and Itunes.


Twitter: Martyn-@BadWilf



The Show-@TheBWpodcast

Episode 107:Newscast

In which Martyn and Gerrod bring you the latest geek news.

Gerrod didn’t watch 2001:A space odyssey, so they couldn’t review that. The episode is raw and unedited (couldn’t be bothered).

The pair discuss a possible Spider-Man/X-Men crossover, Transformers news, belated sequels and squeaky chairs.

The podcast can be accessed via different places, including Miro, Stiticher, Blubrry, Player fm and Itunes.


Twitter: Martyn-@BadWilf



The Show-@TheBWpodcast