King of Thieves is a heist film based on the true story of a group of retirees attempting one last job. Led by Michael Caine, the impressive cast includes Ray Winstone, Jim Broadbent, Michael Gambon, Tom Courtenay, Paul Whitehouse, and Charlie Cox as the only younger member of the team. While the film starts off fun and exciting, it loses momentum in the last third, with the epilogue being written on a black screen feeling a little off.
Broadbent is fantastic as the lovable but sometimes grumpy Terry Perkins, with Winstone and Gambon adding to the mix with their own unique personalities. Cox does good work as the odd man out, but his character feels incomplete, possibly due to the writing and/or directing.
The film’s look is typical of a heist movie with English garden scenery, giving it a familiar feel for fans of UK entertainment. The cinematography by Danny Cohen adds to this atmosphere and the editing by Jinx Godfrey and Nick Moore brings a dynamic to the action. The set decoration by Celia Bobak and costume design by Consolata Boyle make the film feel realistic within its settings.
King of Thieves is an interesting take on heist films, with its unique crew of retirees. The cast is superbly acted, with the younger Cox holding his own alongside the seasoned veterans. While the film loses steam in the last third, it still provides a fun experience overall, with a bird’s eye view into an infamous UK crime.