Batfleck revealed

Zack Snyder had released the first image of Ben Affleck as Batman. You can’t really see much, but so far, I like what I see. It’s very reminiscent of the costume from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.
Is that the Joker’s face I spot, just behind Batman?


Thanks to Tom from the Facebook page for pointing the image out.

What are your thoughts? Let us know below.

Jim Gordon origin series in the works


Gotham Central is a long running comic book, about the police department in Gotham city. Fans have long called for a tv series and, with Marvel’s agents of shield launching it seems that fox have listened. Sort of.
The American network have committed to making a tv series about the origins of Commissioner Gordon.

The series will be written by Bruno Heller, former show runner for The Mentalist.
Warner Bros and DC have been in the television business before, with the long running Smallville and now CW’s Arrow, so it will be interesting to see how/if this ties in to the DC universe that’s being built up by Zack Snyder.

Not much is known about the storyline this early on, but a brief description for the series says that in addition to showing the history behind Gordon, it will focus on the villains of Gotham City.

Check out our podcasts on Man of steel and The Dark Knight trilogy.

Batfleck speaks


Yesterday, Ben Affleck appeared on ‘Late night with Jimmy Fallon’ (American chat show). He discussed his casting and the internets reaction to it.

Affleck said on playing Batman.
“It’s so awesome, I’m so excited. They called me up and said, ‘Do you want to do this?’ And I said ‘I’m not 25, are you sure?’ And they said, ‘Come down, we want to show you what we’re doing.’ And it was incredible.

“Zack [Snyder] is directing it and he’s got this incredible take on it. Obviously he can’t do what Chris [Nolan] and Christian [Bale] did – those movies are amazing – so he wants to do something different but still in keeping with that. And I thought, ‘This is a brilliant way to do this, I really know how to hook into this.’”

On the Internet reaction.
“Before I accepted, they wanted to be sure I was ready. So, they showed me the reaction that-well, I won’t say their names, but other actors have received with their casting. I thought, I’m tough, I handle shit! I clicked online after it was announced and the first comment said Noooooooooooooooo!”

Batman Vs Superman is scheduled to open in July 2015.

Watch the full interview below.

Episode 69: The Dark Knight trilogy

In which Martyn and Ash are joined by Martyn’s friend, Chris. The trio is joined by Phil from the who’s he podcast.

They discuss Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. The Dark Knight Series is a set of three Christopher Nolan Batman movies. It includes Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight(2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Cillian Murphy appeared in all three movies.

The Trilogy is considered by many to be one of the best of all time. Batman’s grounded portrayal was universally acclaimed.

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Martyn – @BadWilf

Gerrod –@InGerrodsMind

Pete – @BeeblePete



Check out one of Ash’s other podcast Hammered Horror