The BBC drama series focuses on the criminal justice system and the lives of people affected by it. The first season, which aired in 2021, starred Sean Bean and Stephen Graham and portrayed life in a male prison. The show was critically acclaimed and won two BAFTA awards for Best Mini-Series and Best Actor for Sean Bean’s performance.
For the second season, the story will be set in a women’s prison, and the cast will include Jodie Whittaker, Bella Ramsey, Tamara Lawrance, and Siobhan Finneran. Whittaker, best known for her role as the Thirteenth Doctor in Doctor Who will play one of the convicted women who arrives at the prison. Ramsey, who played the character Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones and starred in The Last of Us, will also appear as an inmate. Lawrance, known for her work in The Silent Twins, will join the cast, and Finneran will reprise her role as a prison chaplain.
The second season of Time will be co-written by Jimmy McGovern, who created the show, and Helen Black, whose BBC Three drama Life and Death in the Warehouse has been nominated for a BAFTA award. McGovern has praised the cast as the “best” he has ever seen assembled for any of his dramas.
Filming for the second season of Time is set to take place in and around Liverpool soon, and the show is expected to air on the BBC later in 2023. The new season promises to be another gripping and emotionally charged drama that sheds light on the experiences of people in the criminal justice system.