Actor and producer Cillian Murphy, known for his roles in Batman Begins, Peaky Blinders, and Oppenheimer, is set to star in and produce an adaptation of Claire Keegan’s acclaimed novel Small Things Like These. The film, produced by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s Artists Equity, is already in production in Ireland.
The story follows devoted father Bill Furlong (Murphy) as he uncovers startling secrets kept by a convent in his town and discovers shocking truths about his own life during the Christmas of 1985. Ciarán Hinds and Emily Watson will also star in the film, with Tim Mielants directing. Mielants and Murphy have previously worked together on Peaky Blinders, while the script is being penned by Enda Walsh, a longtime collaborator of Murphy’s. The story has been likened to a Dickens tale.
Murphy said: : “I’m honoured and thrilled to have the opportunity to bring Claire Keegan’s magnificent novel to the screen. We have gathered together a phenomenal team of creatives to make this film, and found exceptional partners in AE, a studio led by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck — actors and filmmakers I have admired for many years.”
With his exceptional talent and impressive portfolio of characters, Murphy’s involvement in this passion project is eagerly anticipated by fans.