Batfleck speaks


Yesterday, Ben Affleck appeared on ‘Late night with Jimmy Fallon’ (American chat show). He discussed his casting and the internets reaction to it.

Affleck said on playing Batman.
“It’s so awesome, I’m so excited. They called me up and said, ‘Do you want to do this?’ And I said ‘I’m not 25, are you sure?’ And they said, ‘Come down, we want to show you what we’re doing.’ And it was incredible.

“Zack [Snyder] is directing it and he’s got this incredible take on it. Obviously he can’t do what Chris [Nolan] and Christian [Bale] did – those movies are amazing – so he wants to do something different but still in keeping with that. And I thought, ‘This is a brilliant way to do this, I really know how to hook into this.’”

On the Internet reaction.
“Before I accepted, they wanted to be sure I was ready. So, they showed me the reaction that-well, I won’t say their names, but other actors have received with their casting. I thought, I’m tough, I handle shit! I clicked online after it was announced and the first comment said Noooooooooooooooo!”

Batman Vs Superman is scheduled to open in July 2015.

Watch the full interview below.